OSCAAR debuts new website for 2010 season

OSCAAR is pleased to debut to all race fans a new and exciting website. Thanks to the many hours of hard work by Seahorse Web and Don McLeod, OSCAAR continues to have one of the best and most informative among racing websites.

The new website has many great new features.  Fans can easily access race reports, breaking news, and links to all tracks and sponsors right from the main page. Fans will also be able to keep up-to-date on race day with all weather concerns.

OSCAAR takes great pride in its history. The website offers fans the standings back to 2002. Soon the site will be updated with race reports going back to the 2003. There is also a page dedicated to Don Biederman and currently under construction a page dedicated to Chris Dawson, the original and best announcer. 

All race fans love to look at pictures and thanks to Dave Franks Photos and Don McLeod, OSCAAR has over 5000 pictures online from 2008 and 2009. Thousands more photos going back to 2004 will be uploaded over the next few weeks. A special feature is that fans can set up custom searches and slide shows for their favorite driver. Last year Don McLeod also took videos of all heats and features and links to them are easily accessible to fans.

OSCAAR also likes to highlight their drivers so fans can learn just a bit more about their favorite. Each driver has a bio and current race pictures which can be easily accessed from the main page.

OSCAAR takes great pride in keeping their fans both old and new up-to-date, and with this latest website OSCAAR fans will be leading the way this season.


From Dave Gainforth / OSCAAR


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