Donny Munce Gets a ‘Kick’ in Kawartha Speedway’s Thunder Car Class

He already knew a thing or 2 about living life on the edge – then Donny Munce discovered the thrill of driving a racecar. A professional kick boxer and owner of the Barrie Athletic Club, the 48 year-old formed an allegiance with Horner Racing and picked-up 4 top five finishes on the way to an 11th place points finish during the 2009 season. Even though he’s only entering his second year of competition, Munce says he looks forward to coming to the track as much as he did his very first night.

“There’s a special feeling I get when I wake-up on a race morning,” said Munce. “The anticipation of getting to the track and knowing I’ll be running bumper-to-bumper with some of the best short track racers in the province is a tremendous rush. As soon as I sit down in that seat, put up the window net and then lock the steering wheel into place I can feel my heart rate quicken. It’s almost like being in the ring, staring-down a competitor before you deliver that all important first blow. It’s an incredible feeling and very hard to describe in words. You just have to do it to know for yourself.”

Munce considers himself very fortunate to have his #27 Better Carpet Thunder Car machine prepared by Dave Horner and his family. He calls the crew that looks after the Horner Chassis/Twin Dragon Kick Boxing/Barrie Athletic Club/Molson Park Dental Office/Soil Slingers/Max Meats Camaro the best in the business. Although he admits there is still a lot to learn about racing, he says his long term goals are pick-up that first thunder car main event win and eventually find his way into a late model ride.

“To run with the top class at the track is a long term goal,” said Munce. “I have a way to go yet before I’ll be ready to race at that level. It’ll take more of a consistent effort in the class we’re running now and more names on the side of the car. To be competitive with the big boys takes some big bucks – or a car owner with deep pockets. It’ll come my way eventually, but for now I’m content to pay my dues where I am.”

In addition to the support of the Horner family, Donny Munce considers himself very lucky to have his girlfriend Coriane and children Pierce, Carly and Parker solidly behind everything he does on the racetrack. He says knowing there are great people in the pits and behind the scenes helps make all the pieces of the puzzle fit together.

PHOTO: 4 top five finishes helped Donny Munce land 11th place in Kawartha Speedway’s 2009 Better Carpet Thunder Car point standings.

Release and Photo by Jim Clarke – Clarke Motorsports Communications


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